April & May 2022
April 8-10 2022 at the Käercher Gréiweschlass in Koerich (1 Rue du Château, L-8385 Koerich)
May 26-28 2022 at Erliefnis Baggerweier Breicherwee L-5441 Remenschen.
Lucoda organizes the dance workshop and ACTiDANSE movement for young people with disabilities between 14 and 27 years old and their companion (e.g. parent, brother/sister, friend/ friend, reference person, etc.). They explore the castle and the site together and will be inspired by the imagination of tales, nature, princes and princesses, mystical creatures and fairy.
Free workshop
Registration and more information:
• Email: sbeck.dance@gmail.com
• Telephone: +352 / 661 158 290 (French English)
• Telephone: +352 / 621 294 666 (Luxembourgish/German/French)
• Website: www.lucoda.org or www.ksf.lu.
• Facebook event
This project is also supported by Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte