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Gianfranco Celestino

After completing piano studies at the Conservatoire "G. Verdi "in Turin (I), Gianfranco studied contemporary dance at the" Folkwang "High School in Essen (D) and at the" Accademia Isola Danza "in Venice under the direction of Carolyn Carlson. In 1999 he received a scholarship for the training program "Dance WEB" in Vienna. He worked, among others, with Les Ballet C. de B. (B), Unit.Control (L), Arazzo Tanztheater (D). Since 2002 he has developed his own choreographic language in various works. He has also been teaching Contact Improvisation regularly in Luxembourg since 2014.



Major works: Solo con Piano (2005), a dance-theater solo where he both dances and plays the piano Crossing Town (2007), a dance-theater piece for five dancers, it speaks with sarcasm and irony of the stereotypical or singular relationships and communication dynamics of city dwellers. Sweet Dreams! (2009), an interdisciplinary play, is a tribute to the city of Luxembourg where Gianfranco Celestino proposes an imaginary and subjective, critical, parodic, enchanted and disenchanted portrait of his adopted city. Travelogue (2012), a choreographic solo, is the ambitious and seductive act of staging a travelogue depicting a program of artist residencies. Duo con Piano (2014), takes its momentum from the astonishing encounter between Gianfranco Celestino and Annalisa Derossi, both pianists, dancers and choreographers with a very similar life and artistic background. Friday Island (2015-2018), a series of multidisciplinary arts events that focus attention on different themes of socio-cultural interest.






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