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Carine Baccega

Based in Luxembourg, Carine Baccega is originally from France and works as dancer, teacher and choreographer since 2014. She began her dance training at the age of four in regional dance schools, and then later at ‘Ballet Longoviciens’. Alongside this she studied modern jazz and contemporary with Nathalie Delcourt, certified teacher from Rick Odums centre of dance, and participated in numerous workshops by Rick Odums, Bruno Collinet and Bruno Agati. In 2013 she became assistant teacher to Maryline Guessan, certified teacher with the CND Paris, specialising in phycho-motor development, working with children from the age of three years upwards. Constantly interested in developping her knowledges, she specialized in Pilates technique and studied some approach of Sophrology.


Since 2018, she has been working with Angélique Arnould, in collaboration with Independent Little Lies, on ‘Amygdala Hijack’, a piece for three dancers and one singer. In 2019-2020, she has been involved as dancer for the project Identity Call (Kufa Esch/Alzette), and, since 2020 she’s member of LUCODA - Luxembourg Dance Collective.As dancer and teacher, Carine bases her work on conscious movement, listening to the body and its energy and where breath takes an important place. She explores dance as a therapy to free the mind and body, letting emotions flowing and let the body to express itself.



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